Advanced Violins

German 4/4 1900 Johann “Hans” H. Neuner Strad Copy Violin


German 4/4 Stradivarius copy violin made c 1900 by Johann “Hans” H Neuner.  Violin has no repairs and is lovely.

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German 4/4 1900 William Lewis & Son #1040 Strad Copy Violin


German 4/4 Strad copy violin made for William Lewis and Son c 1900, numbered 1040.  Violin is in excellent shape and has an exceptionally lovely one-piece back.

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German 4/4 1910 J.A. Baader Workshop Violin


German 4/4 violin made in the J.A. Baader workshop approximately 100 years ago.  This Baader is in good condition with a fun, red varnish.

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German 4/4 1910 Wolff Brothers Violin


German 4/4 violin made by the Wolff Brothers in 1910.  Violin is in excellent condition and ready for use.

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German 4/4 1911 J.A. Baader Workshop Violin


German 4/4 violin made by J.A. Baader workshop in 1911.  Violin is a nice shop violin that is ready to be played.

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German 4/4 1913 Antonio Curatoli Amati Copy Violin


German – made 4/4 violin labeled Antonio Curatoli in 1913.  Violin is in excellent shape, with no history of repairs or faults.

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German 4/4 1917 EH Roth “Otto Br?ckner” Violin


German 4/4 violin made in 1917 handmade by the E.H. Roth company and labeled Otto Brückner.  This violin is in excellent condition and ready for use.

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German 4/4 1920 Carl (Karl) Hammerschmidt Violin


Very rare German 4/4 violin made by Carl Hammerschmidt c 1920.  Violin has been well cared for and is in beautiful condition.

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German 4/4 1920 Tonk Bros Antonio Loveri Violin


German 4/4 violin labeled Antonio Loveri and imported by Tonk brothers c 1920.  Violin has highly flamed one piece back and is in good condition.

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German 4/4 1920 Tonk Brothers Antonio Loveri Violin

German 4/4 violin labeled “Antonio Loveri” and imported by the Chicago based Tonk Brothers.  This violin is an exception Loveri both in craftsmanship and condition.

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German 4/4 1924 EH Roth “Enrico Robella” Violin


German 4/4 violin made by EH Roth company 1924 and labeled Enrico Robella.  This violin is in excellent condition and ready for a serious student.

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German 4/4 2004 Franz Sandner #68S Violin


German 4/4 Franz Sandner violin made for the Knilling String Company.  Violin was new in 2004 and is in great condition.

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Hungarian 4/4 1810 Johann Baptist Schweitzer Workshop Violin


German 4/4 violin labeled HC Silvestre and made by the Johann Baptist Schweitzer workshop.  Violin is in great condition with lovely varnish.

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Italian 4/4 1980 Virgilio Capellini Violin


Cremonese 4/4 violin made by Virgilio Capellini in 1980.  Previously owned.  Violin is in superb condition.

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Italian 4/4 2003 Francesco Marionis Violin


Italian 4/4 violin handmade in 2003 by Francesco Marionis.  This violin is brand new and in perfect condition.

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