Romanian 16″ 2002 Vasile Gliga Maestro Viola


Romanian 16″ Gliga Vasile Maestro viola made new in 2002.  Viola is in factory perfect condition.


This attractive 16″ viola for sale is a 2002Gliga Vasile from Reghin, ROMANIA.  It is Gliga’s Maestro level viola and bears Vasile Gliga’s name, making it his highest level viola.  The viola has a nice tight grained spruce on top and a nicely flamed two-piece Carpathian maple back.  The varnish is a nice rubbed spirit and is orange in color.  The sound of this 16″ Vasile Gliga Viola is quite deep; it projects well.  The instrument is new and is in factory perfect condition.

At $2100.00, this Gliga viola would be well suited to an advancing violist.

Item #: MVG

Condition: New


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