German 4/4 1904 Louis Lowendall Berlin Violin


German 4/4 violin made by Louis Lowendall factory in Berlin in 1904.  Violin is a very nice example of a Lowendall and has no repairs.

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This very nice old German violin for sale was made by the Louis Lowendall company in Berlin, GERMANY.  After he began selling to Sears and Wards, Lowendall produced some of his nicest violins at the end of his career (during his early 1900’s stay in Berlin), and this 1904 violin is certainly among them.  Lowendall himself even signed this violin, indicating this to be among his finest violins.  This violin has a very lovely varnish and a wonderfully crafted interior.  The sound on this violin is large, full, and richly ringing.  The instrument is in perfect condition with not a single repair.  This Lowendall will find a happy home with an advanced high school or college student.

Item #: LOWB

Condition: Used


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